

At Fastnet, we understand the challenges of navigating organisational change. Our tailored outplacement services provide comprehensive support to affected team members, ensuring a smooth and successful transition during times of uncertainty and insecurity. We partner closely with you to design a customised program that aligns with your objectives, offering both one-on-one and group sessions to meet your needs.

What you can expect:

  • Customised Project Plan: Support throughout the planning and communication stage as appropriate and a collaborative approach to tailoring a project plan that will optimise outcomes for all stakeholders
  • Personalised Career Coaching: Using a blend of assessment tools and coaching, we work closely with individuals to identify their unique strengths, competencies, personal motivation, and career goals to develop a customised career transition plan, tailored to their aspirations and circumstances.
  • CV Crafting and Optimisation: We collaborate with individuals to craft a standout CV, showcasing their unique skills and experiences.  We also discuss the value of tailoring CV's for specific job opportunities, ensure they resonate with potential employers.
  • Interview Preparation: Understanding the dynamics of interviews, we provide professional tips and strategies for answering common questions addressing individual strengths and areas for improvement. Our goal is to build confidence and maximise interview success.
  • Job Search & Networking Strategies: We offer a practical approach to maximising job prospects in a digital world including personalised strategies for effective networking and leveraging professional connections.
  • Action Plan: For those seeking new career opportunities, we assist in developing a structured career transition plan with clear steps and milestones tailored to their career objectives and ultimately setting them up for success.
  • Retirement Support: For individuals planning for retirement, we provide financial advice and planning resources to empower them to make informed decisions and confidently achieve their retirement goals.
  • Emotional Support: We understand that dealing with voluntary or involuntary career transition can be traumatic. Our program offers emotional support, providing individuals with opportunities to discuss their feelings and concerns in a safe and understanding environment. We listen with empathy and provide coping strategies to manage stress and anxiety.
  • Ongoing Support: We provide ongoing support throughout the programme duration, and follow-up sessions can be arranged to track progress and adjust strategies as needed over the following months. 

What our Clients Say

In 2023, a US-headquartered pharmaceutical company made the difficult decision to relocate all of its operations from its manufacturing facility in Cork, resulting in around 100 employee redundancies.

The announcement was a shock to the Cork based employees and the organisation wanted to ensure the full team was supported throughout the transition process. Fastnet designed an outplacement programme to meet the unique needs of the Cork team, ensuring comprehensive support for all affected employees.

The programme was seamlessly delivered over an agreed time period with many team members successfully navigating the next step in their career.

Client Testimonial:

"Following the announcement of our Sites Closure in late 2023 we immediately turned our attention to looking after all our Colleagues impacted by the devastating news. When it came to supporting the team with Outplacement services we turned to Fastnet Talent.  The decision to engage their services made perfect sense for us as they are a leading supplier of support and services in this area and also had the advantage of being local and very knowledgeable on the marketplace and career opportunities.

The decision to work with the Fastnet Outplacement team was the right one and the assigned professional was most helpful and supportive to all who availed of the service. The most gratifying aspect for us was the fact that all of our Colleagues landed new and meaningful opportunities and many team members shared their positive experience on how they felt cared for and supported. I would recommend any employers facing this scenario to factor Outplacement Support into the process and in particular I would recommend the Fastnet Talent Outplacement Team."

Would you like to learn more?

Choosing the right partner to support your team during times of change is crucial. Call us to find out how we can tailor a solution to suit your unique needs.

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